In contemporary times, individuals grappling with insomnia often find themselves deprived of restorative sleep, a phenomenon intricately linked to the pervasive issue of vigilance, which constitutes the primary focus of my research. Within this expansive landscape, I particularly underscore the influence of stress stemming from unresolved work as a significant contributing factor. Manifesting through symptoms such as irritability, fatigue, depression, and anxiety, my investigation seeks to shed light on the multifaceted challenges that impede the attainment of comprehensive rest after prolonged daily activities.
Character design
This section is dedicated to the exploration and discussion of character design.
Scene design
This section includes my research findings on designer's home settings and dreamlike desert scenes, curated to encompass details and thoughtful design elements.
This page presents a comprehensive exploration of the storyboard for the vigilance animation project.
Designed Frames in Photoshop.